The White House said it begged, begged the CIA not to destroy those interrogation tapes. I mean, the last thing the White House would want destroyed is direct evidence that the United States uses torture.
Besides, the tapes showed detainees being waterboarded, which isn't torture according to President Bush and Attorney General Mulkasey; it's just a refreshing pick me up. So if the tapes showed waterboarding, and waterboarding isn't torture, then The White House would have wanted everyone to see the tapes, because there's no torture shown on them. In fact, I'm sure Bush and Cheney would have loved to have submitted the CIA tapes to the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.
Other torture tapes the CIA is thought to have destroyed include:
1) Every Bush news conference since he took office.
2) Every Bush speech since he took office.
3) Every episode of Comedy Central's Mind of Mencia.
And, doesn't the fact that the CIA still uses tapes and not DVD's, say something about its technological capability?
The National Intelligence Estimate said Iran ended its nuclear program in 2003. Bush reacted to that news the way any irrational, reckless and intellectually challenged person would. He said "Iran was dangerous, and is dangerous." Iran's most potent weapons are persian rugs. I guess Bush fears the US being rolled up in wool berber.
Mitt Romney gave a speech about religion, where he basically urged voters not to let his being a Mormon stop them from voting for a morally bankrupt, vapid, intellectually dishonest multimillionaire.
And on a self-indulgent note, I hope you'll join me this Thursday December 13, for my look back at 2007, The End Of The Year As We Know It, at Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road(at Stratford Road) Ditmas Park, Brooklyn at 8:30 PM. Sadly for me, it's free!
Scott - funny stuff...i could see Bush and Cheney being scared that the Iranian army could fly into the U.S. on those Persian rugs, like genies do...
Your line about Romney is laugh-out-loud (or LOL, as it is commonly written, but I always worry that could be misinterpreted) funny. Hope you're well.
I think that there should be an investigation and Bush and Cheney should answer for their war crimes and all else they have done
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